
7 Biggest Mistakes Moms Make In The First Year After Having A Baby



No, they’re not the obvious things that every parent knows about. You’re probably doing one of these things right now and don’t even realize it.

Not focusing on recovery

Although you have a very small and vulnerable baby that you have just brought in to the world, and you need to protect them, you are also recovering from not only a long childbirth, but also a 9-month pregnancy. If you had complications or a c-section, you have even more to watch out for.

You need to get plenty of rest and fluids, along with some nutritious foods and personal time. Sure, you may just want to dive right in and do everything at once, but you really do need to try and take care of yourself, even months after your baby is born, as much as you can.

Not leaving the house

Every mom knows that once you have a baby, leaving the house can be a huge chore. Take a shower, get dressed, pack up the baby bag, dress the baby, and so on. But isolating yourself in the house can be extremely unhealthy, and make you feel even more exhausted than getting ready to go out. So do yourself a favor, and at least go for a stroll around the block.

Overthinking a broken birth plan

Mother's love. Cute baby 6 month with mother.

Did you tell yourself you were going to have a drug-free pregnancy, but at the last second begged for the epidural because the pain was just too much to bare? You said you’d do a water birth, or your doctor wasn’t available to deliver the baby the day of the birth? Just let it go, and enjoy that adorable baby.

Not seeking help with feeding questions

A survey shows that only a third of women actually breast feed for as long as that originally wanted too. This is because breastfeeding is no easy task. If you are having problems, seek help from a lactation specialist or consultant, or talk to a friend who has successful breast fed before. At least do a google search – you may get to the root of the problem and find that it is much easier than before!

Stressing about every detail

Is your baby getting too much stimulation or not enough? Should you get the stroller that faces towards you or away from you? While it’s good to be aware of your baby, overthinking things too much can make you crazy. Many parents realize on their second baby that they don’t need to stress so much. So do yourself a favor and relax.

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Not taking offers for help
When someone offers to help, do you feel funny taking it? Or maybe you feel afraid to leave your baby? Take the help. Your baby will be fine, and as for feeling funny, things are different now – it’s okay. After all, you do need it. The more peace of mind you have, the more peace of mind your baby will have.

Taking advice that you don’t believe in

Don’t be afraid of offending anyone when it comes to your baby. If you don’t feel comfortable with something, or if something doesn’t seem right, don’t be afraid to say no. Even if that person is supposed to know better than you, you’re the mom. It’s your decision, it’s your baby’s health and well being – trust your motherly instincts.