
Signs Your Baby Has A High IQ

1. Is My Baby Gifted?

It’s difficult to know your child’s IQ unless you have them take a professional IQ test. However, at a very young age, there are a few signs that your baby has an IQ that is higher than the average child. The following are the signs you can look for and what they mean.

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2. Early Milestones

Many times babies who are exceptionally gifted start hitting milestones earlier than other babies. Babies who crawl, walk, and speak at a younger age will often have a higher IQ than average.


3. Highly Developed Language Skills

Gifted babies are often very interested in what you are saying to them. These babies can comprehend a book being read to them as early as 6 months, and will speak in full sentences by 14 months. These babies will be able to follow directions as early on as 18 months, allowing them to pick things up very quickly.


4. Remembers Well

Does your baby have a good memory? If so, they may have a high IQ. Even things as simple as knowing the bedroom is for sleeping, or remember where a tory is hidden. They may even remember places better than other children. 


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5. Problem Solver

Babies with exceptionally high IQ’s are able to solve problems that only older children would be able to comprehend. For example, babies who figure out how to escape their crib.


6. Able To Focus For Long Periods

Many babies and even toddlers will lose interest in things almost immediately. For example, while reading to a normal baby, they may move on to something else before you finish the story. A baby with a high IQ however may sit through and listen to entire story.


7. Baby Seems Very Alert

Babies who are gifted seem to connect very well to their surroundings. They make look people directly in the eye when they are speaking, and seem like they really understand what the person is saying to them. 


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8. Advanced Language Skills

Children with high IQ’s have exceptional language skills. With these children, you may notice that they use long words and sentences when talking to adults, while switching to a simpler language set when talking to other children.


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9. Artistic or Good With Numbers

Does your child draw well for their age, or are they able to add or subtract naturally? If so, they are probably gifted with a higher than average IQ. 



10. Increased Activity Levels

A child with a high IQ may exhibit a higher than average activity level, with a long attention span. Children with hyperactivity disorders have short attention spans, while those who are gifted seem to maintain a high energy level while focusing on the same task until it is complete.


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11: Certain Behavior Emotional Signs

Gifted children tend to have a more complex set of emotions. They are also more empathetic than the average child with more intense emotions, while average children tend to be more selfish and pay less attention to others.



12: Wild Imagination

Does your child have a wild imagination? This may mean they are gifted. Children who are more advanced tend to have a sophisticated imagination, making up characters and situations that are very complex for a child.



13: Able To Make Connections

Children who easily make connections to different situations are known to have a higher IQ. For example, if a child sees a refrigerator at someone else’s home and asks for a drink, they may be advanced.


14. Perceptive

Is your baby very sensitive to changes in their environment? They may be advanced in their perception. Does your baby notice when you make changes to your hair or face? Do they seem to want to cuddle when you are sad? These are all signs of advanced perception.



15. Overly Curious

It’s normal for babies to be curious. However, babies who have a sense of curiousity that goes to the extreme may be gifted. Normal children are curious about things that kids are normally curious about; toys and fun-looking things. However, a gifted baby may actually want to take their toys apart and see how they work.



16: Prefers Playing Alone

Children who are content playing by themselves are often gifted. These children may be seen sitting alone playing with a toy or reading.



That’s it!

Read Next: Signs Your Baby Is Teething

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