Maverick: The Green Eyed Miracle Baby
Meet Maverick! The green eyed miracle baby, and this week’s “Cutest Baby!”
Maverick’s story came to us through a submission by his mommy, Jewel. Maverick was born with a rare condition called Septio Optic Dysplasia. This condition is characterized by a malformation of the pituitary gland in the brain meaning Maverick cannot produces certain hormones such as growth hormone and thyroid hormones, and Septio Optic Dysplasia.
However, Maverick was misdiagnosed multiple times, and when Maverick had to be airlifted to Portland Children’s Hospital, his mother, Jewel, thought she was going to have to say her goodbyes.
It wasn’t until Mavericks mother demanded the hospital give Maverick give him more treatment and confronted doctors that Maverick was correctly diagnosed. After examining his eyes, Maverick was deemed legally blind, and finally correctly diagnosed with Septio Optic Dysplasia.

After multiple close calls, and 2 months on life support, Maverick finally started to improve. He has increased in weight, he is getting smarter, and with medication and artificial hormones given to him by his parents, he will lead a normal healthy life. Not only that, but look at that adorable little face!
“My world stopped when when he was on that table not responsive, And my world lit right back up in a ball of fireworks when I walked out of that hospital holding my baby, Taking him home smiling ear ear to like every mother should, I can’t believe what he has made it through I am so proud to be his mommy and his daddy is so proud to be his daddy!” – Mommy