Baby Never Fed Sugar Or Carbs, Here’s What She Looks Like Today
Meet Grace Cooper. At only 13 months old, she’s never had sugar or carbs since the day she was born! Can you imagine never eating a candy bar!? So much self control for a 1 year old!

Let’s clarify – Grace doesn’t eat anything with added sugar. She eats fruits and things that contain natural sugar, but you won’t find Grace eating a lollipop! Her mom, Shan Cooper, is a fitness expert who is well known in her community, and like Grace, she is on a strict diet of meat and vegetables.

This diet is also known as the Paleo Diet. Grace and Shan also avoid processed foods, and while it may be difficult from a dietary perspective, Grace is a beautiful healthy baby girl because of this diet.

Shan mentioned that she won’t restrict her diet once she is old enough to decide for herself, but from Shan’s perspective, she is creating a healthy foundation for her baby’s future habits and preferences.

“If she eats a piece of bread I’m not going to have a conniption,” she told the Daily Mail. “She’s going to go to kids’ parties and eat what’s there. I’m never going to go to Grace, ‘You can’t eat anything at this party, but I packed you some kale, here you go.’”
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Shan is a longtime believer in the Paleo diet, and says that her daughter has been sick once since she was born.

Many dietitians on the other hand don’t recommend restricting a child’s diet in this way. One professional, Dr. Rosemary Stanton, said she was concerned about a need for grains in Graces diet. Parents considering a Paleo Diet for their child should first consult a pediatrician.