Doctors Said Her Baby Was Fine, But She Knew Something Was Seriously Wrong
As parents, we know when there is something wrong with our children. One mom knew just that – her daughter was dangerously sick, but doctors told her everything was fine.
This is what Erin Miller from New South Wales, Australia experienced when despite her daughter Harper’s serious illness, doctors kept sending her home from the hospital. It all started when Erin noticed blisters on her little girl’s stomach. As a nurse, she at first thought it was chicken pox, but when the ‘chicken pox’ started to form a rash, she started to think otherwise.
Erin took Harper to the doctor where they prescribed antibiotics for a bacterial infection and sent her on her way, but Harper did not improve. She took her to a different hospital, but the staff there put dressings on the area and again, sent her home.

Flickr /oliver.dodd
“I’m a nurse myself so I don’t like to complain because I know what it’s like but in this situation. I don’t think it was satisfactory; it was quite clear that she had an infection and they didn’t do anything,” Miller said.
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The pain from the rash was so bad that Harper needed to be administered intranasal Fentanyl for the pain, an opioid that is 100 times more potent than morphine.
Ten days in to Harper’s illness she had scratched through the bandages, so Erin took her to yet another hospital where they finally were able to start addressing the problem. They swabbed the blisters and sent them off for testing, and conclued that Harper had a secondary infection called impetigo.

Doctors treated the impetigo and made an follow-up appointment to check in on Harper, but by the night before the appointment Harpers symptoms became dire and she was rushed to the nearest hospital.
At the hospital, doctors were able to finally get to the root of the problem. Harper had Eczema Herpeticum, a life-threatening and rare infection caused by the herpes simplex virus. If left untreated, this infection can cause blindness and organ failure leading to death. Thankfully, even though it took so long to diagnose Harper, she was administered anti-viral medication before there was any effect on her vision.

Facebook / Aung Kyaw Oo
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Now Erin Miller is spreading the word on this illness in an effort to save other children from suffering the way Harper did. Please share this article to spread the word!