Baby Girl Names That Start With F
There are so many things that make becoming a new mom exciting. Baby showers, genders reveals, the list goes on. But what can be more exciting than choosing your baby’s name!?
While it’s exciting, choosing the perfect name for your baby can also be difficult. We’ve put together a list of both popular and unique choices for baby names that start with F for girls and their meanings to help.

What are some popular girl names that start with F?
These are F names for girls that are popular and commonly found in places like the United States, according to the Social Security Administration.
- Faith – A virtue name, it represents trust, belief, and unwavering confidence.
- Faye – English, meaning “fairy” or “loyalty.” Embodies enchantment and devotion to others.
- Felicia – Latin, meaning “happiness” and “good fortune.” A variation of Felicity, it represents joy and contentment.
- Felicity – Latin meaning “happiness” or “good fortune.” Represents joy and an abundance of luck.
- Fernanda – Spanish and Portuguese, meaning “adventurous” or “daring.” Embodies a spirit of exploration, great for a future pioneer.
- Fiona – Of Scottish and Irish origin, it means “fair” or “white.” Signifies physical beauty and purity of spirit.
- Fleur – French, meaning “flower.” Symbolizes natural beauty like that of a rose.
- Flora – Latin, meaning “flower.” Embodies the beauty and delicate balance of nature.
- Francesca – Italian in origin, it means “free.” Signifies independence and liberty unbound.
- Francine – French, meaning “free.” A feminine form of Francis, this name signifies independence.
- Frederica – German, meaning “peaceful ruler.” Represents a just but fair leader.
- Frederika – A variant of Frederica, meaning “peaceful ruler.” Like Frederica, this name represents a just but fair leader.
- Freya – Derived from Norse mythology, Freya is the goddess of love and beauty. The name conveys charm and physical attraction.
- Frida – Germanic, meaning “peaceful ruler.” Represents leader who is fair and strong.
What are some unique girl names that start with F?
Looking for a unique or exotic names that start with F for girls? Here are some options:
- Fabia – Latin, meaning “bean grower” or “fava bean.” Signifies abundance of the fruits of life.
- Fabienne – French, meaning “bean grower” or “fava bean.” Represents meaningful growth.
- Fanchon – A diminutive of Frances, meaning “free.” Symbolizes independence and the idea of being liberated.
- Fariba – Persian, meaning “captivating” or “charming.” Represents an irresistible personality filled with charisma.
- Farida – Arabic for “unique” or “precious.” Conveys exceptional value; that which is priceless.
- Farina – Arabic, meaning “flour.” Embodies nourishment and sustenance; a giving person.
- Farran – Irish, meaning “adventurous” or “explorer.” Embodies a spirit of discovery, a name for a future pioneer.
- Fausta – Of Latin origin, it means “lucky” or “fortunate.” Fausta represents good luck and blessings.
- Faydra – Greek, meaning “bright” or “radiant.” Symbolizes a luminous and contagious personality.
- Faylinn – A modern name, combining Fay and Lynn, symbolizing grace under pressure.
- Fayola – African, meaning “lucky.” Represents good fortune; a person with a bright future.
- Fedora – Greek, meaning “gift of God.” Signifies a pray that has been answers; blessings.
- Fenella – Gaelic, meaning “white shoulder.” Signifies purity and a graceful demeanor.
- Fenix – A unique name, signifying rebirth and renewal, like the phoenix who rises from the ashes.
- Ferelith – Scottish or Gaelic, it means “true sovereignty.” Signifies authority; the chosen leader.
- Fiamma – Italian, translating to “flame.” Symbolizes a passion for life; a driven and intense person.
- Fiammetta – Italian, meaning “little flame.” Signifies a small stature yet intense nature.
- Fianna – Irish, meaning “warrior.” Embodies strength and a courageous spirit.
- Fidelia – Latin, meaning “faithful” or “loyal.” Signifies unwavering devotion, a name for a person who can be trusted with anything.
- Fideline – A variation of Fidelia, meaning “faithful” or “loyal.” Signifies unwavering dedication and loyalty.
- Fidella – Latin, meaning “faithful” or “loyal.” A perso with strong integrity and therefore can be trusted.
- Fidelma – Irish, meaning “faithful” and “loyal.” Represents steadfast commitment even in the face of obstacles.
- Finola – Irish and Gaelic, meaning “white shoulder.” Embodies purity and and a graceful demeanor.
- Fiora – Italian, meaning “flower.” Signifies the beauty of and connection to nature.
- Fioralba – A blend of Italian words meaning “flower” and “dawn.” Represents the possibilities and beauty of a new day.
- Fiorella – Italian, meaning “little flower,” Long form of Fiora, it symbolizes delicacy like that of a rose.
- Fiorentina – Italian, meaning “flowering” or “blossoming.” Represents growth or reaching ones full potential.
- Flaviana – Latin, meaning “golden-haired” or “yellow-haired.” Symbolizes a bright and attractive personality, or simply a light haired person.
- Floriana – Italian, meaning “flower.” Represents the beauty of a flower; delicate like a rose.
- Florine – French, meaning “flower.” Like Floriana, this name represents the beauty of a flower.
- Fortuna – Latin, meaning “luck” or “fortune.” Represents being blessed with good fortune.
- Franzine – A variation of Frances, meaning “free.” Represents independence and freedom.
- Franziska – German, a variation of Francesca, meaning “free.” Signifies independence and liberty; having control over one’s detiny.
- Freesia – German, Inspired by the flower. Symbolizing outward beauty and a fresh start.
- Fritha – Old English, meaning “peaceful ruler.” Embodies a strong leader who sustains peace.
While this obviously isn’t a complete list, these are some of the top girl names that start with F, so hopefully this gave you some baby name inspiration. If you are having a baby boy, check out our list of top boy names that start with F.
Read Next: Gender Neutral Names That Start With F
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