Baby Boy Names That Start With J
There are so many things that make becoming a new mom exciting. Baby showers, gender reveals, the list goes on. But what can be more exciting than choosing your baby’s name!?
While it’s exciting, choosing the perfect name for your baby can also be difficult. We’ve put together a list of both popular and unique choices for baby names that start with J for boys and their meanings to help.

What are some popular boy names that start with J?
These are J names that are popular and commonly found in places like the United States, according to the Social Security Administration. There are also many popular names in the biblically inspired section below.
- Jace – English, meaning “a healing” or “a gift of healing.” Symbolizes healing.
- Jack – English, meaning “God is gracious.” A popular short form of John.
- Jackson – English, meaning “son of Jack.” Since Jack is short for John, it also means “God is gracious”.
- Jacobson – English, meaning “son of Jacob.” Ashkenazic version of the Latin Jacobus.
- Jared – Hebrew, meaning “descendant” or “to descend.” Symbolizes the value of ancestry and heritage.
- Jason – Greek, meaning “healer” or “to heal.” Signifies the qualities of healing and restoration. Nickname “J”.
- Jasper – Persian, meaning “bringer of treasure.” Reflects the value and beauty of treasure.
- Jefferson – English, meaning “son of Jeffrey.” Also has roots in German and means “pledge of peace.”.
- Jeffrey – German, meaning “peaceful district” or “peaceful traveler.” Signifies peace and adventure.
- Jordan – Hebrew, meaning “to descend” or “flowing down.” Associated with a river’s flow, and acting as water does.
- Julian – Latin, meaning “youthful” or “young at heart.” Reflects youthful vitality and spirit.
- Justin – Latin, meaning “just” or “fair.” Signifies fairness and righteousness.
What are some biblical names that start with J for boys?
Many names in western culture are based on religion, so there are many popular J names on this list.
- Jacob – Hebrew, meaning “supplanter” or “holder of the heel.” All meanings a based on the biblical story of Jacob.
- Jadon – Hebrew, meaning “thankful” or “he will judge.” Conveys gratitude and an acknowledgement toward the power of God.
- Jairo – Spanish, meaning “God will enlighten.” Conveys divine illumination from God.
- James – English, meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows.” Signifies someone who follows the teachings of Jesus in the Bible.
- Jamison – English, meaning “son of James.” Derived from James with a similiar meaning, one who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ.
- Jaxon – English, meaning “son of Jack.” A variant of Jackson with the same meaning, “God is Gracious”.
- Jaxton – American, meaning “son of Jack.” A variant of Jaxton with the same meaning, “God is Gracious”
- Jedidiah – Hebrew, meaning “beloved of God.” Reflects divine love and affection.
- Jens – Danish, meaning “God is gracious.” A variant of John, also signifying God’s grace.
- Jensson – Danish, meaning “son of Jens.” A popular boys’ name in Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Iceland.
- Jeremiah – Hebrew, meaning “Yahweh will raise.” Reflects divine elevation and a promise from God.
- Jerome – Greek, meaning “sacred name” or “holy.” Signifies holiness and sanctity.
- Joachim – Hebrew, meaning “established by God.” Signifies being born from God and support.
- Joaquin – Spanish, meaning “God will judge.” Conveys the knowledge divine judgment and walking a just path.
- Joel – Hebrew, meaning “Yahweh is God.” Combines the covenant name of God, Yahweh, and El, which means God.
- Joey – English, meaning “may Jehovah add.” Short for Joseph, signifying divinity and popularized through the Christian Bible.
- John – Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious.” A common name with a strong religious connection.
- Jonah – Hebrew, meaning “dove” or “pigeon.” Associated with qualities of peace and grace.
- Jonathan – Hebrew, meaning “gift of God.” Symbolizes a divine gift.
- Jonty – English, meaning “God is gracious.” Short for Jonathan, also symbolizing divine favor.
- Joseph – Hebrew, meaning “he will add” or “God shall add.” Featured prominently in the Christian Bible.
- Joshua – Hebrew, meaning “Yahweh is salvation.” Reflects divine deliverance and protection.
- Josue – Spanish, meaning “Yahweh is salvation.” A form of Joshua, also reflects divine deliverance and protection.
- Jovan – Slavic, meaning “God is gracious.” A form of John with the same meaning.
- Jovany – Spanish, meaning “God is gracious.” A variant of Jovany with the same meaning.
What are some unique boy names that start with J?
Looking for a unique or exotic names that start with J for boys? Here are some options:
- Jabari – Swahili, meaning “brave” or “fearless.” Signifies courage and fearlessness.
- Jael – Hebrew, meaning “mountain goat” or “wild goat.” Associated with mountainous terrain, conveys strength.
- Jalen – American, meaning “calm” or “serene.” Signifies tranquility and peacefulness.
- Jareth – Hebrew, meaning “descendant” or “to descend.” Form of Jared, also symbolizing the idea of ancestry and heritage.
- Jaron – Hebrew, meaning “to sing” or “to shout.” Associated with singing and shouting out of joy.
- Jericho – Arabic, meaning “city of the moon.” Signifies an affinity for the lunar body.
- Jermaine – French, meaning “brother” or “sibling.” Reflects the bond of brotherhood.
- Jovian – Latin, meaning “belonging to Jupiter.” Associated with the Roman god Jupiter.
- Jett – English, meaning “jet-black” or “intense.” Reflects the color black, also can signify intensity.
- Jude – Latin, meaning “praised” or “honored.” Signifies admiration and respect. Popularized by the famous song “Hey Jude” by The Beatles.
- Julius – Latin, “youthful” or “downy-bearded.” Made made popular by the historical figure Julius Caesar.
While this obviously isn’t a complete list, these are some of the top male J names, so hopefully this gave you some baby name inspiration. If you are having a baby girl, check out our list of top girl names that start with J.
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These names start with J, but we have more! We’ve put together some of the top baby names that start with every level of the alphabet. Check it out below!