
How To Reduce Stress As A New Mom


It’s the little things that count when it comes to reducing your stress level as a parent, and reducing your stress level will help you be a better, more grounded mother. Making a sustainable life for yourself is essential to raising your child.

Don’t Put Too Much Effort In To Being Quiet

You don’t have to be that quiet for your baby to sleep. The womb is loud, and newborns are used to a lot of noise. Babies can slee[ though more than you think.

Find New Ways To Soothe Your Crying Newborn

You can soothe your baby by patting them on the back in a heartbeat like rhythm. Not only will this burt her if she needs to burp, but it will also help her relax if she is feeling insecure. You can also try swaddling, shushing, or holding her on her side and swinging her.

Seek Help Get Your Baby To Latch While Feeding

If you are having problems with your baby latching on while feeding, you can use breast shields to help. You can talk to your lactation consultant about this. Some women swear by them, saying they would otherwise have discontinued breast feeding.

You can also ask family and friends, or your doctor for tips on feeding. Remember, you’re not alone in this. If you are having problems feeding, there is probably a simple fix for whatever is preventing your baby from getting milk.

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Get Prepped Beforehand

At 3 weeks, babies get on a better sleep schedule. Before that, it is a good idea to reduce your stress level by having all of your food ready for those first three weeks before you bring your baby home. Easy to heat up, precooked meals are the best solution. This way you can dedicate more time to other things, like sleep.

Keeping Your Baby Awake During Feedings

When a baby is sleepy but also needs a feedings, a good trick is to gently massage her cheek to stimulate her and make her eat faster. When a baby is more feel when they go to sleep, they will sleep for longer before waking an needing another feeding.

Help Your Baby Bond With Daddy

Make sure your baby spends as much time with daddy alone as possible. His essence is different than yours, and this will begin a bonding process from the beginning. Plus, it makes your baby more comfortable with other people besides just you. If you are nearby, make sure she can’t hear you, and resist the urge to go in and take over if she starts to cry. Dad needs to learn how to do this too. It will also teach your baby that there is more than one way to be comforted, which will carry in to adulthood.