
This Is Why Finland Is Good At Keeping Babies Alive


When you first have a baby, it can seem incredibly overwhelming. But Finland has figured out a way to help out – the baby box.

A simple concept, the baby box is just a cardboard box you can put your baby in. That’s it!

It started in the 1930’s for low income families who couldn’t afford cribs. Now, as long as a mother goes to a prenatal visit within four months of conception, the family is given a choice of either a stipend of a baby box. Surprisingly, 95% of families go for the baby box.

So what is the box? The baby box is a cardboard crib which comes completely stocked with clothes for the first year of the baby’s life, resizable diapers, bibs, a thermometer, baby books. Even condoms.

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So how helpful is it? Very helpful. During the 1930’s Finland had an incredibly high mortality rate. Once they started supporting lower income families with the boxes, the mortality rate went down dramatically.


On the other hand, the U.S. has over double the infant mortality rate than that of Finland. So, should the United States start doing this? SHARE this article and raise awareness!

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