
Understanding Postpartum And Soothing Symptoms

The postpartum period is a special time for new moms after childbirth, however, it’s important to understand it’s stages and symptoms, as well as possible complications.

What is Postpartum?

The postpartum period refers to the six weeks following childbirth. During this time, a mother’s body experiences hormonal and physical changes while it recovers.

Common Symptoms:

  • Lochia: During this time, a new mom may experience bleeding that is heavier than this typical period, also known as Lochia. This bleeding should subside over the course of a few weeks.
  • Hormonal Changes: Hormonal changes after childbirth that can cause mood swings and exhaustion.
  • Healing: Perineal tears or any incisions made from C-section need to heal after childbirth, which is part of the recovery process during postpartum.
  • Milk Production: Milk production will start during this time which causes breasts to swell. This may be uncomfortable for some moms and is due to hormonal changes.
  • Sleep Distubances: Disturbed sleep patterns from caring for a newborn can worsen symptoms of postpartum.
  • Baby Blues: Also known as the “baby blues”, many women experience mood swings and crying during postpartum.
  • Postpartum Depression: If mood swings and depression persist and become more sever, this can be known as postpartum depression. Trouble bonding with the infant and changes in appetite are all symptoms.
  • Postpartum Anxiety: Postpartum anxiety is marked by racing thoughts and excessive worry.
  • Postpartum psychosis: Postpartum psychosis is a condition that needs to be treated right away and is commonly indicated through hallucinations and delusions. This is uncommon, but dangerous and something to be aware of.

Dealing With Postpartum:

  • Seek Support: Surround yourself by a good support system of friends and family who can help you physically and emotionally.
  • Open Communication: Be open about what you are feeling with those around you to reduce stress and work through issues.
  • Diet: A rich diet is essential for a healthy recovery while helping your emotional state.
  • Exercise: While you shouldn’t be doing anything strenuous right away, walks and stretching will help keep you on the road to recovery.
  • Sleep strategies: Make sure to sleep whenever you baby does if possible.
  • Professional Assistance: If you feel as though your mood is not improving or getting worse, seek professional help.
  • Therapeutic Exercises: In addition to traditional exercise, yoga and meditation can help relieve postpartum symptoms as well and improve emotional wellbeing.
  • Network: Join local parenting organizations and support groups to connect with other moms in your community. This can help you gain a sense of belonging while also getting some helpful tips.
  • Ask For Help: Don’t be afraid to ask for help and assign responsibilities to others.

The postpartum period can be difficult to navigate but can also be an exciting time for a mother. Becoming a new parent is a profound experience, and following these tips, you should be able to recover quickly and avoid complications.