
We Used To Soothe Babies Using Some Incredibly Dangerous Methods

The best sound for a parent is the sound of silence, and for a new parent, the first time their baby sleeps through the night is like Christmas morning. There are resources that show parents how to correct common parenting mistakes, like not communicating or being consistent.

Years ago, on the other hand, there were a few techniques parents used to calm their children that seem totally absurd in the present day. That doesn’t mean that they didn’t “work”, but is some cases the risks definitely outweighed the benefits!

1. Unlatching car seats.

Parents used to unbuckle restraints on their babies while riding in the car so they could settle down. Now, that just wouldn’t fly.


2. Using bumper pads.

Bumper pads were invented to protect a baby’s head, but in recent years the American Academy of Pediatrics has stopped recommending them. They say bumper pads can contribute to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

3. Putting your baby on his or her stomach to sleep.

Great for learning how to crawl, terrible for sleep. When parents allow their baby to sleep in this position they are just asking for trouble, because it can lead to suffocation.

4. Hanging rickety mobiles.

The mobiles of today are typically made with safety in mind, but some of the old mobiles were incredibly unsafe.

5. Swinging in any baby chair with a crank.

Just like mobiles are safer, so are rockers and baby bouncers. The ones from the 80s are fast and can get out of control.

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6. Adding whiskey to teethers.

You wouldn’t believe me if i told you doctors used to recommend parents give children whisky to reduce teething pain, but it’s true. We’d obviously never give a child whisky now – nowadays parents opt for washcloths and frozen teething toys.

7. Picking the baby up as soon as they cried.

Parents have learned over the years that if you pick your baby up every time they cry, they will probably cry all the time.8. Using walkers with wheels and no brakes.These are great for making a baby tired, but watch out for their little feet!

9. Going from a crib to a grown-up bed too soon.

Parents used to try to get their child out of a crib early so they weren’t surrounded by bars, but we now know that if the baby can get out by themselves, it’s still a safety hazard.

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10. Ignoring the signs your baby gives you.

Parents of the past used to shut out their children, but paying attention to a baby is crucial if we want to help them.

Stay calm and always pay attention to a baby’s cues. Try to stay away from these old-school ways so you and your baby can stay happy and health! Share with a new mom to give them a hand!

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