
“F*** You B****”, Mom Reacts To Toddler Cussing Her Out

I’ve heard some wild things in my time, but the way this toddler talks to her mom is totally insane.

Ashan Thiwanka was asking her daughter to put away her toy camera when she went into tantrum mode. She starts screaming and crying, and that’s when she finally says it. It’s gut wrenching to say the least – watch the video below.

Viewers on YouTube were not happy with the comment, and thought the mother should have done more to discipline her child. “How can you let you’re daughter speak to you like that and just not say anything?” One user wrote before comments were disabled.


Read More: Toddler’s Unexpected Reaction To Their Own Tantrum, I Died Laughing

To be fair, we don’t know what happened once the cameras were turned off, and hopefully it’s not a pattern, but I know I never spoke to my mother that way, have. you? Do you think this behavior needs to be nipped in the bud, and if so, how can it be done? Drop a tip for other moms dealing with this issue in the comments!