Baby Girl Names That Start With E
There are so many things that make becoming a new mom exciting. Baby showers, genders reveals, the list goes on. But what can be more exciting than choosing your baby’s name!?
While it’s exciting, choosing the perfect name for your baby can also be difficult. We’ve put together a list of both popular and unique choices for baby names that start with E for girls and their meanings to help.

What are some popular girl names that start with E?
These are E names for girls that are popular and commonly found in places like the United States, according to the Social Security Administration.
- Ebony – Middle English, derived from the Old French word “ébène,” which comes from the Latin “ebenus” and Greek “ebenos.”
- Eleanor – Greek, meaning “bright, shining light.” Represents a radiant and brilliant personality.
- Eliana – Hebrew, meaning “God has answered.” Represents a prayer that has been fulfilled by God.
- Elizabeth – Hebrew, meaning “pledged to God.” Signifies a deep commitment to faith.
- Elena – Spanish and Italian, meaning “bright, shining light.” A name for a person a radiant personality.
- Elis – Greek, meaning “consecrated to God” or “devoted to the divine.” Elis is a name that carries a strong sense of spirituality and commitment.
- Eloise – French and German, meaning “famous in battle.” A name for a person destined to be strong and courageous.
- Elsa – Hebrew, meaning “pledged to God.” Short for Elizabeth and signifies dedication and faith. Make popular by the fiction character from the movie Frozen.
- Elvira – Spanish, meaning “truth” or “truly foreign.” Signifies honesty and an authentic person.
- Emanuela – Italian, a variant of Emmanuelle, meaning “God is with us.” Embodies support given from above.
- Esmeralda – Spanish, translating to “emerald,” symbolizing rarity and radiant beauty.
- Esmiralda – Spanish, translates to “emerald”. A unique variant of Esmeralda, emphasizing the gemstone and beauty symbolism.
- Emilia – Latin, meaning “striving” or “eager.” Embodies a persistent person who strives to meet their goals.
- Emmanuelle – A variant of Emmanuel, meaning “God is with us.” Embodies faith that God will guide.
- Estelle – French, meaning “star.” Estelle represents celestial beauty and radiance.
- Evangeline – Greek, meaning “bearer of good news.” Associated with those who bring hope to others.
- Evelyn – English, derived from the French name Aveline, meaning “desired” or “wished for.” A name for a person with an attractive personality and outward appearance.
What are some unique girl names that start with E?
Looking for a unique or exotic names that start with E for girls? Here are some options:
- Edda – Norse, meaning “great-grandmother” or “poetry.” Associated with wisdom and respect for the lessons of the past.
- Eilidh – Scottish, a variant of Helen, meaning “bright, shining light.” Represents radiance that brings hope to others.
- Eirene – Greek mythology, the goddess of peace. Conveys tranquility and serenity.
- Eithna – Irish, meaning “kernel” or “essence.” Signifies the core of one’s being.
- Eithne – Irish, meaning “kernel” or “grain.” Reflects fertility and growth.
- Elara – Named after one of Jupiter’s moons, it represents a sense of mystery and exploration of the unknown.
- Elaria – Latin, meaning “joyful.” Signifies a personality filled with happiness and contagious delight.
- Eleni – Greek, meaning “light” or “torch.” Embodies enlightenment and guidance through trials and tribulation.
- Elenora – A variant of Eleanor, meaning “bright, shining light.” Reflects a radiant personality and infectious spirit.
- Eleri – Welsh, meaning “respected” or “sacred.” Signifies reverence and integrity.
- Elidi – A name of Greek origin, meaning “gift of the sun.” Pay tribute to the sun which brings life to all things.
- Eliette – A unique variation of Eliette, meaning “God has answered.” Embodies a prayer that has been answered by the Lord.
- Elira – Albanian, meaning “to dream.” Symbolizes creativity and out-of-the-box thinking. A dreamer.
- Eliska – Czech, meaning “God is my oath.” Conveys devotion to God.
- Elke – German, a variant of Adelheid, meaning “noble.” Signifies character that is built on honor and integrity.
- Elmina – Of German origin, meaning “determined protector.” Signifies a natural born defender of family.
- Elora – Hebrew, meaning “God is my light.” Embodies spiritual illumination through God.
- Elowen – Cornish, meaning “elm tree.” Signifies a deep connection to nature.
- Elspeth – Scottish variant of Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God.” Represents dedication and faith in religion.
- Elswyth – Old English, meaning “noble strength.” Can also mean “from the willow trees.”
- Elvine – Of French origin, it means “friend of elves.” Signifies a connection to the mystical.
- Elwina – Derived from Old English, it means “elf friend” or “noble friend.” Represents fantasy as well as nobility and honor.
- Elynette – A modern fusion of Elyn and Lynette, signifying grace and beauty.
- Elysia – Inspired by Elysium, the Greek paradise, it symbolizes a bliss and a perfect existence.
- Embeth – A blend of Emma and Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God.” Represents devotion to one’s faith.
- Epona – In Celtic mythology, Epona was the goddess of horses and fertility. Associated with nature and abundance.
- Erendira – Spanish, meaning “rejoicing.” Signifies joy and celebration of life.
- Esila – Turkish, meaning “good conduct” or “virtue.” Represents a person with strong moral integrity.
- Esmaria – A unique name, combining elements of Esme and Maria, signifying love and devotion.
- Esmé – French, meaning “beloved” or “esteemed.” Embodies deep affection and status in one’s community.
- Esperanza – Spanish for “hope.” Reflects optimism and a positive outlook on life.
- Estella – Spanish, meaning “star.” Reflects beauty and a shining light like that of a star.
- Estelline – A variant of Estelle, meaning “star.” Like Estella, this name represents celestial beauty and radiance like that of a star.
- Eudocia – Greek, meaning “good reputation.” Signifies honor and one who demands respect from others.
- Eudora – Greek, meaning “good gift.” Conveys a generous person with a kind spirit.
- Eulalia – With Greek origins, it means “well-spoken” or “sweetly speaking.” Represents eloquence and natural charisma.
- Euphemia – Greek, meaning “good speech” or “well-spoken.” Embodies eloquenc; someone who is well-articulated.
- Euphrasia – Greek, meaning “cheerfulness” or “joy.” Reflects a happy and optimistic personality.
- Euphrasie – A French name, derived from Greek Euphrasia, meaning “joy” or “cheerfulness.” Represents a happy and joyful demeanor.
- Eustacia – Greek, meaning “fruitful” or “productive.” Embodies the gift of fertility.
- Evadne – Greek mythology, a water nymph. Signifies a stong connection to nature and water.
- Evelina – Swedish, meaning “life.” Signifies vitality and liveliness.
- Eveline – A variant of Evelyn, meaning “desired” or “wished for.” Embodies desirability and aspirations.
- Ezabella – A unique variation of Isabella, meaning “God’s promise.” Embodies faith and commitment.
- Ezri – Hebrew, meaning “help” or “assistance.” Signifies a helpful and supportive nature; hospitable.
- Ezria – Modern Hebrew, meaning “help” or “assistance.” A variant of Ezri, it also signifies a helpful nature.
While this obviously isn’t a complete list, these are some of the top girl names that start with E, so hopefully this gave you some baby name inspiration. If you are having a baby boy, check out our list of top boy names that start with E.
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