Baby Girl Names That Start With C
There are so many things that make becoming a new mom exciting. Baby showers, genders reveals, the list goes on. But what can be more exciting than choosing your baby’s name!?
While it’s exciting, choosing the perfect name for your baby can also be difficult. We’ve put together a list of both popular and unique choices for baby names that start with C for girls and their meanings to help.

What are some popular girl names that start with C?
These are C names for girls that are popular and commonly found in places like the United States, according to the Social Security Administration.
- Camilla – Latin, meaning “young ceremonial attendant.” Derived from camillus, or a young person serving as an acolyte in church in Ancient Rome.
- Camille – French, meaning “young ceremonial attendant.” A variation of Camilla derived from the same place: from the word camillus, which was a young person serving as an acolyte in church of Ancient Rome.
- Carissa – Greek, meaning “grace” or “kindness.” Conveys a sense of elegance and benevolence.
- Carmela – Italian, meaning “garden” or “vineyard.” Evokes images of natural beauty.
- Carmelita – Spanish, meaning “garden” or “vineyard.” A variation of Carmela which also evokes images of natural beauty.
- Carmen – Spanish, meaning “song” or “poem.” One who is artistically driven and talented.
- Caroline – French, meaning “free woman.” A female version of the name Charles.
- Cassandra – Greek, meaning “she who entangles men.” Evokes a sense of mystery and allure.
- Catherine – Greek, meaning “pure and clear.” Derived from the Greek word “katharos.”
- Celeste – French, meaning “heavenly.” A name that suggests a sense of divine beauty.
- Celine – French, meaning “heavenly.” Conveys a sense of elegance. Made popular by singer Celine Dion.
- Charity – English, meaning “benevolence” or “kindness.” A person who exhibits compassion.
- Chantal – French, meaning “stone” or “song.” A person who carries a sense of stability.
- Charlene – French, “free woman.” A name with a strong and independent vibe.
- Charlette – French, meaning “free woman” or “woman of strength.” A form of the name Charlotte which is composed of two elements: “karl,” meaning “free man” or “man,” and “lotta,” meaning “strength” or “vigorous.”
- Charlotte – French, meaning “free woman” or “woman of strength.” Represents a woman with a strong and independent character.
- Chasity – English, derived from the Middle English word “chastite,” which means purity or innocence.
- Christina – Latin, “follower of Christ.” Conveys devotion and faith and God.
- Clara – Latin, meaning “clear” or “bright.” Signifies strong intelligence.
- Clarissa – Latin, meaning “bright” or “famous.” Suggests a bright and future or distinguished person.
- Clementine – Latin, meaning “mild” or “gentle.” Conveys a sweet and gentle personality.
- Colette – French, meaning “victorious.” Signifies a person who is a born winner
- Colleen – Irish, meaning “girl” or “maiden.” Associated with the qualities of youth and innocence.
- Constance – Latin, meaning “steadfast” or “constant.” Signifies reliability and loyalty; someone who can be trusted.
- Cordelina – Latin, meaning “little heart.” Conveys a sense of tenderness and affection.
- Corinne – Greek, meaning “maiden” or “maiden of spring.” Associated with youth and new beginnings.
What are some unique girl names that start with A?
Looking for a unique or exotic names that start with A for girls? Here are some options:
- Cadenza – Italian, meaning “musical passage” or “cadence.” A name with a musical quality.
- Calista – Greek, meaning “most beautiful.” Signifies exceptional beauty; the prettiest in the room.
- Calla – Greek, meaning “beautiful.” Signifies strong physical beauty.
- Calliope – Greek, meaning “beautiful voice.” A great name for a future singer.
- Calypso – Greek, meaning “conceal” or “hide.” Suggests a sense of secrecy and allure.
- Caprice – French, meaning “whimsical” or “impulsive.” Represents a free-spirited and unpredictable nature.
- Carmine – Italian, meaning “crimson” or “deep red.” Associated with passionate qualities.
- Carmody – Irish, meaning “friend of the son.” Signifies with friendship and loyalty.
- Carolina – Latin, meaning “free woman.” This name combines strength and independence with a touch of elegance.
- Catriona – Scottish, meaning “pure.” Conveys a sense of innocence and simplicity.
- Charlize – French, meaning “free woman.” This name was made popular by Hollywood actress Charlize Theron.
- Charmaine – Greek, meaning “delight” or “joy.” Signifies an optimistic happy person.
- Cherise – French, meaning “cherry” or “beloved.” A great name for someone destined to be sweet.
- Chloe – Greek, meaning “blooming” or “young green shoot.” A name associated with youthful beauty and vitality.
- Christiana – Latin, meaning “follower of Christ.” Conveys religious devotion to Jesus Christ.
- Circe – Latin, meaning “to secure with rings.” Great for a baby who will be interested in witchcraft and wizardry.
- Clarabelle – Latin, meaning “bright” or “beautiful.” Signifies radiant beauty and an optimistic spirit.
- Clarette – French, meaning “clear” or “bright.” Signifies a radiant and luminous personality.
- Clementina – Latin, meaning “mild” or “gentle.” Conveys a sweet and compassionate personality.
- Corabella – Latin, meaning “beautiful heart.” A great name for those who are pure of heart.
- Cordelia – Celtic, meaning “daughter of the sea.” Has a strong connection to the ocean.
- Corisande – French, meaning “heart of the sword.” Carries a sense of strength and courage.
- Cosette – French, meaning “victorious.” A name with a sense of triumph and success.
- Cosima – Italian, meaning “order” or “beauty.” Carries a sense of elegance and sophistication.
- Cressida – Greek, meaning “gold” or “golden.” Associated with luxury and “the good life”.
- Cybele – Phrygian, meaning “mother of the gods.” From the Greek god of fertility.
- Cymbeline – Celtic, meaning “sun lord.” Conveys a sense of radiance and power.
- Cyrene – Greek, meaning “sovereign queen.” Also means “a wall.”
While this obviously isn’t a complete list, these are some of the top girl names that start with C, so hopefully this gave you some baby name inspiration. If you are having a baby boy, check out our list of top boy names that start with C.
Read Next: Gender Neutral Names That Start With C
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