
13 Essential Products For Baby Proofing A Home

Baby proofing a house doesn’t need to a a daunting task, especially when you have the right baby proofing products to help. That’s why we put together an extensive guide of products you can use to secure your home for a newborn. You can also check out our Baby Proofing Checklist for a complete guide on child proofing.

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1. Outlet Covers

When I think child safety, the first thing that comes to mind are electrical outlets. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH) “In the United States, there are approximately 1000 deaths per year, as a result of electrical injuries.” The statistics also show that “Approximately 20% of all electrical injuries occur in children. The incidence is highest in toddlers and adolescents.” The best solution to prevent these types of injuries are outlet covers. So what’s the solution? Outlet covers.


Safety 1st plug protectors are a cheap but effective option for preventing electrical accidents. These outlet covers simply plug into the outlet like a normal plug.

It’s important to note that these outlet covers can be dangers as toddlers become older and are able to remove them, and at that point you may want to opt for an outlet box like this one from Wappa Baby. These outlet boxes screw into the outlet so they can’t be removed by curious hands, removing the risk of choking and giving you peace of mind.

2. Cordless Window Coverings

Window chords are choking hazard for young children. According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, “On average, about nine children under 5 years of age die every year from strangling in window blinds, shades, draperies and other window coverings with cords.” Like electric cords, it’s for window cords to become wrapped around a childs neck, which is why it is important to keep them out of reach.


The best way to avoid issues with window cords is to either secure these cords with window cleats, or get cordless window coverings like these by Chicology. Either of these options are great for reducing the risk of injury or strangulation.

3. Cabinet Locks

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “Every day, 374 children in the United States ages 0 to 19 are treated in an emergency department, and two children die, as a result of being poisoned.” Cabinets located in the kitchen, bathroom, and laundry rooms are all major areas of concern, although it’s important to check the rest of the house for these types of hazards.

The first thing to do is throw out anything you don’t need. You should also write down the nationwide poison control center somewhere accessible and save it in your phone. The number is 1-800-222-1222. But there is also a simple product you can use to make sure you never have to call that number.


Cabinet locks are a go-to way of preventing young children from accessing cabinets that contain things that are harmful to children. We recommend Vmsaisi Magnetic Cabinet Locks to get this job done – they are well reviewed, cheap, and easy to order. We’ve provided a link to Amazon below where you can order them.

4. Corner Protectors

According to the Centers for Disase Control (CDC), “in 2016 more the 7% of children aged 3-17 sustained a major head injury”In 2016, 7.0% of children aged 3–17 years have ever had a significant head injury in their lifetime.” Head injuries can lead to problems later on in life, including learning disabilities and mood disorders. Preventing these injuries in young children is crucial, and sharp corners are a major hazard to a baby or toddler. A simple and easy solution for this is corner protectors.


CalMyotis makes a great transparent option that looks nice, doesn’t damage furniture, and most importantly, can prevent injury from sharp edges if used correctly.

These corner protectors don’t fit on everything, and for these types of corners you can use foam to make it safe. You can find a great option available from Bebe Earth available here.

5. Baby Gates

According to Stanford Medicine, “more than 2.2 million children ages 14 and under are treated annually at hospital emergency rooms for fall-related injuries.” Furthermore, falls kill about 100 children under the age of 14 every year according to this study. That is why it is important to secure both the top and the bottom of stairs around the home.


Using baby gates at the top and bottom of the stairs is a must for preventing stair falls. These gates should always be mounted, especially at the top of stairs. Safety1st makes an easy-to-install baby gate that is both affordable and well-made shown below.

6. Window Locks

“About 12 children ages 10 and under die annually falling from windows.” according to Standford Medicine. Children are also suseptible to wandering out sliding doors once they are able to slide them open, which can be particularly problematic if you have a sliding door that leads to a pool or balcony. That’s why it is important to secure all windows and sliding doors in the house with window and door locks.


Kekele Baby Store Window Locks are a cheap and reliable option for window guards, and easy to order online. They’re easy to install and child-proof to prevent you’g young one from opening sliding windows and doors.

7. Door Knob Covers

Similar to cabinets and sliding doors, it’s important to prevent little ones from opening doors and accessing areas that could be harmful to them. This includes rooms with chemicals, doors that lead downstairs, and doors that lead outside.


The solution for this is door knob covers. I’m sure you remember these from when you were a kid – it’s just a piece of rubber or plastic that you place on the doorknob and needs to be squeezed to grip the handle enough to twist. Safety 1st makes a great option that are designed to be childproof while allowing adults easy access.

8. Baby Monitor

There are so many things that can keep a mother up at night, whether it’s fire, SIDS, burglary, or something else entirely. Even during the day, it’s important to be able to keep a constant eye on your son or daughter while being able to keep up with the demands of life. That’s why every mother of a young child needs a good baby monitor.


A good option is the the VTech DM111. Whether they are sleeping or playing, you can keep. your eye on them. And unlike the baby monitors of old, many newer baby monitors include video as well. Something to keep in mind when buying a baby monitor is stay away from wired options – many of these devices have been recalled recently because they pose a strangulation risk.

9. Toilet Locks

The toilet can be extremely dangerous for a baby or toddler, especially when it comes to falling toilet seats and drowning. According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), “Toilet-related injuries present a high burden of risk to young children.”, with 142,606 toilet-related injuries reported from 2000-2019. They’re even more dangerous when using toilet bowl cleaning pads, as these chemicals can be poisonous.


Toilet locks like the Wappa Baby Toilet Lock prevent curious toddlers from accessing the toilet. These safety latches are cheap and available online (we’ve provided a link below). Even with these in place, it’s important to always monitor your baby when they are in the bathroom or using the toilet, and it’s best to keep them out using baby gates or door knob covers. However, this is still a necessary precaution.

10. Cord Covers

Cords from blinds and electronics, as well as jewelry and clothing can pose strangulation risks in the home. “Young children can quickly and silently become strangled on pull cords, continuous loop cords, inner cords or any other accessible cords on window coverings,” Consumer Protection Safety Commission (CPSC) Chairman Alex Hoehn-Saric said.


To prevent strangulation risks in the home, always:

  • Secure all wires, including power, cable, and phone. Cord covers like these from The Yecaye Store help keep cords out of reach and prevent accidents.
  • Baby gates can trap a baby’s head, so make sure that cannot happen.
  • Make sure all window cords are out of reach.

11. Anti-Tip Furniture Straps

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, “At least 234 people, including 199 children, have died from January 2000 through April 2022 after furniture fell on them.” These falls are common, and most of the time they are not serious, but they can be. That is why it is important to secure furniture around the house so it cannot fall on a child.


There are plenty of options for furniture straps out there, but we recommend these from 4our Kiddies. They are super cheap, look nice, tightly fitted and will help prevent furniture tipping and injury. Even with these in place, remember to keep a look out for children climbing on furniture.

12. Drawer and Cabinet Latches

Drawer and cabinet latches are essential for keeping your child away from potentially harmful objects. Knives, tools, small objects, and other dangerous items located inside drawers can be very dangerous for a baby or toddler, so it’s important to secure these spaces.


Dangers inside drawers can be hard to predict, so it’s best to just prevent them from being opened all theogther with dawere latches. Vmaisi cabinet latches easily keep cabinets closed and the contents away from small hands. In terms of drawer latches, you can find a cheap and effective option here.

Even with drawer latches, if sharp items and other hazardous materials are not stored there, they can still be dangerous. Remember to always stay vigilant when it comes to sharp objects and other dangerous items, and store them in secured drawers.

13. Stove Knob Covers

According to the National Institute of Health (NIH), “a temperature of 120 degrees fahrenheit can cause a full-thickness skin burn in 2 minutes and a temperature of 130 degrees fahrenheit can result in a full-thickness skin burn in 30 seconds.” A child’s skin is sensitive, so it is important to keep them away from the stove and other hot objects.


To keep your child from turning on the stove in the first place, add stove knob covers to prevent your child from turning on the stove. Safety 1st Stove Knob Covers are a cheap and effective option. You can also add safety latches to the oven to prevent it from opening. Another option is to add safety gates to the kitchen to prevent them from entering at all!

14. Carbon Monoxide Detectors

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), “Every year, at least 420 people die in the U.S. from accidental CO poisoning.” Carbon Monoxide is tasteless, odorless, and colorless, carbon monoxide detectors are essential. Leaky stove tops, fireplaces, and other appliances can leak carbon monoxide, causing accidental suffocation. Some people overlook these devices, but this gas can be just as deadly as a fire, and harder to detect.


There are many options for Carbon Monoxide Detectors that are wired into a home, but we like this Carbon Monoxide Detector from Amazon. It even connects to your phone and will send alerts when levels get too high.

15. Fireplace Screen

Not every home has a fireplace, but when they do it can be a dangerous place for a baby. Not only is a fire and burning hazard, children are small enough to get stuck in some fireplaces. That’s why it’s important to secure the fireplace to make sure it is inaccessible for a child.


Always place a fireplace screen in front of the fireplace. This screen from Best Choice is a stylish and affordable option. In addition to this, it’s important to never leave a baby unnattended in a room where there is a fire burning. Not only do fires produce smoke and carbon monoxide, as we mentioned before, children have sensitive skin an it is easy for them to get burned.

16. Non-Slip Mats

The bathroom and kitchen are two places that are primed for slip and fall injuries. The bathtub and be extremely slippery, especially when you add a little soap. According to Stanford Medicine, “It is estimated that more than 2.2 million children ages 14 and under are treated annually at hospital emergency rooms for fall-related injuries. That’s why it’s important to consider this when preparing the home.


To prevent slip and falls in the tub, we recommend installing bathtub mats like these from Yinnen. You may also want to consider carpeteing the stairs. These non-slip stair mats from MBIGM are great for preventing stair falls.

According to, in a study, “only 64% of parents believe childproofing is very important, and only 50% of parents are as vigilant with their second or third child as they are with their first.” In addition to that, only 15% of parents start childproofing the home before the baby is born, while the rest wait until after. This process is extremely important after having a baby, and the earlier you start, the safer your baby will be.

It’s important as a parent to cover all of your bases and make sure your home is safe for a new child. Childproofing a home can be a weeks long process, and every home is different. There may be hazards in your home that are not covered in this list, such as fire arms and other hobby-related items. Be sure to check out our Baby Proofing Checklist for more info on baby proofing a home.

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